Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Hard Woods, vol. 1

So I'm not really entirely sure why I decided to create a blog. Here it goes though, my own admittedly skewed view on the world I live in. As a college stident at the University of New Mexico, i have learned man things bout how the world works...but more how it doesn't. "Life", as i will call it, does NOT care that you have three professors all demanding papers on the same date. Life does not care that you work 35 hours per week and are still trying to graduate by May. Life does not care about shit, but thats not what i created this blog to say.

It seems as though this world that we live in, ever consumed with celeb gossip, financial gain, global warming, and even blogging, we as a collective have forgotten what it's like to appreciate anything anymore. Ask yourselves when was the last time that you "stopped to smell the roses", really taken time to just appreciate part of your life rather than figure out whats wrong with it and fixing that. If it's more than once in the past week, consider yourself
a whole lot luckier than the other 6 billion poor suckers out there, who become consumed with thoughts of anger, grief, and wothlessness. Even if it's just for a minute or two per week, take some time to really enjoy a part of your life. It's there, just waiting for you, so DO IT! DO IT NOW!

The Hard Truth, for The Hard Life, from The Hard Woods