Monday, November 17, 2008

A "Long" Time Coming

For anyone who is a fan of New Mexico sports, you probably won't be suprised to hear that Lobo Football head coach Rocky Long has resigned from the University of New Mexico. The eleven year former Lobo, Long said he was disappointed with the fans. Well lets examine this one first.

Rocky has been fighting an uphill battle against the fans from the start, as older fans were used to the style of former coach Dennis Franchoni. Fran was a passing coach; Rocky...well...he didn't do a whole lot of anything. The second problem was that not enough people remembered him from when he played here. What the news has been quick to tell people is that Long is the winningest coach in UNM history. Thats not hard to do as a mediocre coach over the course of eleven years. Long leaves with 62 wins which averages to 5.63 wins per season...not anything to write home about. Additionally, he has accumulated 69 losses, or 6.27 losses per season. I'm not saying its all his fault, however as a fan I do not coach the players; HE DOES.

Kiss the bung hole, Rocky. Kiss the bung.


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