Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tis the season for attack ads!

Ahh, the leaves be changin, and there is a cool criso to the morning air. Frost is starting to appear on the cars in the neighborhood, and it's almost time for green chile stew. While all of these things are good indicators of the fall and winter months fast on our heels, they are also reminders that it's almost time to cast our votes in the most monumental election of our time. While this excites many and sets fires ablaze in the souls of others, it disgusts me.

Yesterday, in the mail I saw a political ad for my dad from the GOP that was headlined with "Obama suports terrorists!!!", or some crap like that. It was a full page of newspaper quotes and rhetoric linking Obama to William Ayers, former leader of The Weather Underground. The Weather Underground was an extremist, radical left group that in the 60's and 70's bombed the house of a judge, The Pentagon, and The Capitol Building among others. Ayers and the other "wheathermen" became fugitives after a bomb meant for Fort Dix blew up in their appartment killing several members. Ayers and the other leaders were put on the FBI 10 most wanted list. William Ayers later turned himself in, a few years after the Weathermen were taken off the fugitive list, and the charges against him were dropped due to illegal investigating techniques by the FBI.

Ayers came under more scrutiny for comments he made on 9/11/01 when he said that the attack should have been greater, and that he supported the terrorists...dumb ass. That was some effed up shit to be saying that day, or any day for that matter.

The incidents that the Grand Ol Party is refering to are dinners that Obama attended at Ayers' home when Obama was still big in the Chicago political circuit. The GOP is also calling foul on Ayers for not ever appologizing for his actions while the head of The Weather Underground. Where I call foul is that the GOP didn't mention the fact that Ayers is under Homeland Security watch and even if Ayers wanted to try anything again, he is under tight enough control that he couldn't get a bag of fertilizer even if it were for his rose garden.

Two years ago i had the opprotunity to hear a lecture from Mark Rudd, former secretary of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), this was the organization that begat the Weathermen, and was involved with Ayers at the head of the group. He is the source for most of my info on Ayers, being that Mark himself is under close watch. These men were both considered terrorists, and extremely dangerous people. They are now BOTH out of jail, and they are obviously not dangerous to the community any longer. It's not illegal to meet with convicted fellons, and not even questionable. Ayers may be a crazy man, but come on GOP!!! You didn't even tell what circumstances Obama met him.

I am NOT a political blogger, but tis the saeason for smear campaigns, therefor tis the season for me to URGE you all not to judge books by their covers! Follow this link
to read more about Mark Rudd and the Weathermen.


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